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Yubico YubiKey 5 Series
The #1 multi-protocol security key for businesses and professionals.

The YubiKey 5 Series eliminates account takeovers by providing strong phishing defense using multi-protocol capabilities that can secure legacy and modern systems. The series provides a range of authentication choices including strong two-factor, multi-factor and passwordless authentication, and seamless touch-to-sign. Multi-protocol support allows for strong security for legacy and modern environments. And a full range of form factors allows users to secure online accounts on all of the devices that they love, across desktops and mobile.

Easy-to-use, strong authentication

Strong two-factor

Hardware authenticator as a second factor, in addition to a password, in a strong two factor authentication solution.

Strong multi-factor

Combination of a hardware authenticator with a PIN to secure high assurance requirements such as financial transactions or submitting a prescription.


Hardware authenticator delivering strong single factor authentication, replacing weak passwords, as part of a rapid but secure tap-n-go experience.

The YubiKey 5 works with your favorite online applications

The safest way to secure your online accounts.